Is it only me?

I am no investigative journalist, but when i saw this and this, i was kinda thrilled about 'black' however rehashed, being chosen on time's top 10 list. Even here! However, a visit to the time magazine site revealed, well, nothing. No black, nothing! what gives?? Am i missing something here? Is there a different list online and a different list for the print version?

Update: looks like the Time Asia list is different, still trying to figure why, coz there are a lot of overlaps anyway..anycase, mystery solved looks like.

Update #2: Time magazine's reponse to my question below

*** city ***
San Francisco, CA

I was wondering why your top films list here is different from the
one on Times Asia. And assuming that Times Asia is for asian movies
as well, why the asian movies here [2046 and Kung-Fu hustle] were
DROPPED to accomodate black and the thai movie on the asia list.


Since the international editions of TIME are produced for different
audiences, they are neither identical to the U.S. edition nor to each
other. The editors at each edition are somewhat autonomous and make
different decisions about what content to publish.

Thank you for your interest, and all best wishes in the new year.


Well, it still doesnt make sense to me. Its the same reviewer/columnist with two different lists for two different editions..Time is yet to respond to second query.

Update #3:

My Mail:
Thanks for the response. It still doesnt make sense, its the SAME
>columnist who is rating the movies, how can he have two different
>list for two different editions? isnt it his personal opinion?
>I am talking of the link here
>and here

Time’s response:

Actually it does make sense. While “Citizen Dog” had wide release in
Thailand, how many people in the U.S. have had a chance, or will have
a chance, to see it? Our lists are just not that universal.

Besides, what a waste of time it would have been for you to look at
both websites and see the same list. Eye-wink



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